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M6 Motorway
Client: N6 Construction
Project Designer & Clients Representative: Atkins Engineers
Location: Galway to Ballinasloe
Date: 2007 - 2012
Role: Subcontractor to N6 Construction
Joe Kenny Plant Hire was sub-contracted by N6 Construction to carry out a large number of projects as part of the M6 Galway to Ballinasloe motorway. The type of works we carried out were:
- Construction of 3 No. precast concrete underpasses
- Installation of approximately 50 No. petrol interceptors
- Diversion of 500mm Ductile Iron and 300mm HDPE Watermain which crossed the motorway.
- Installation of road drainage and gullies.
- Excavation and lining of attenuation ponds
- Installation of ducting crossings for land owners and for ESB wires
- Construction of headwalls and mammal crosses.
- Construction of side roads and embankments.
- Kerbing, footpaths